I worked with PMs and our product researchers to collaborate cross-functionally with our team in China to enhance user experiences and expanded competitive audits for various manufacturers and distributors.
I gathered contextual research on competitors by conducting usability testings on their products and speaking to researchers with knowledge on the products. I also read and analyzed past user reports to understand user behaviors and patterns.
What I learned
Understanding the project scope
I learned to break it down into digestible pieces so that I can fully understand the problem. The more I continued to research and learn, the better I became at narrowing down on the project scope and identifying core problems.
Ask questions
Due to the slight language barrier, I wanted to be extra sure there were no misunderstandings or miscommunications when it came to my projects and assignments. I became comfortable asking questions and help when needed.
Prioritize feedback
I am here to learn, so in order to improve, I needed to get comfortable with receiving and understanding feedback and critiques from experienced designers on my team.
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